Sunday 20 April 2014

Day 34-6ish: Lockup achieved

We ran away to Hobart and the boat (so nice to have a stove with burners and oven and a sink that isn't in the next room), and when we came back, they had finally go the house to lockup stage. Note that lockup does not equate to weatherproof - there are still gaps around the windows and doors. Not enough for rain to come in unless there was a howling gale, but gaps nevertheless.
While we were in Tasmania and after we returned we had a further exchange of info about lights and powerpoints - we will probably have one more meeting with the electrician some time next week.
While we were away they had also framed up the skylights and we decided they weren't exactly where we wanted them, but the frames have been shifted without drama, and the skylights themselves are also supposed to make an appearance RSN.
Latest pics:

From the back (above), and from the side showing the new back door.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Day 32: Let there be lights (and power points)

Good meeting with the electrician this morning to sort out what lights and power points go where, and where the switches are. Meanwhile the brickies completed the neighbour's wall. Hopefully tomorrow they will finish ours.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Day 31: It's all happening, sort of

Builders here all day, but mostly working next door. Brickies are finishing the walls, starting with the outer wall of next door. Windows have arrived for next door, and our neighbour has been busy oiling them prior to installation (so glad we have metal frames that will never need any maintenance - if I want to spend time oiling and varnishing timber I have a whole boat to play with).
We did have two bits of action on our side of the divide today - our dinky little triangular window is now in place - it seems to get smaller every time I look, but I'm still pleased to have it. And we had asked if it would be possible to get rid of a bit of brickwork that sticks out as you come into the living area and which has always looked like a bit of a mistake. The answer was yes, and even better, they've taken out the masonry above the arch as well, making the entrance from hall to living area bigger and much less cramped looking.
Electrician comes tomorrow so we have to work out where we want power points. From experience I know you never get this right - you always want more than you have, and in different places, once you actually arrange the furniture. But we will do what we can to try to anticipate every possible need.