Monday 25 May 2015

The sun shines, garden progresses

More free time lately and better weather, so more trips to Bunnings and more work. Sleepers now fitted in place, more pavers purchased and laid, although we are still levelling. We discover that the pavers are more fragile than they look, one has chipped and one has broken in two during the levelling process. Back to Bunnings. We need another half a sleeper anyway, not to mention bags of good soil to go in the newly edged bed. Also still need to source some gravel to put round the pavers, something Bunnings doesn't have.

Friday 15 May 2015

And now for the garden

After another visit to Tasmania, we return at the beginning of May and continue work on the garden. The climbing rose which blew down over summer is re-growing rapidly, but urgently needs tying up before it blows over again. Bit by bit we dig up what was left of the brick paved patio and brick path to the garage. Bricks are packed into the trailer and carted off to become part of a friend's barbecue.
We make yet another trip to Bunnings to buy sleepers to edge the deck and pavers for a new path.
Now we need to level the area where we plan to lay the pavers - in the process we discover there are still a lot of roots left from the calistemon we removed last year, and these need to go if we are going to get the path level. Much work with mattock, spade and axe and we have a barrowload of firewood to give away.
The holes resulting from our root excavation mean that more work is required to get the path area level, but this week rain has stopped play. When the weather improves we will fix the sleepers in place, do some more levelling, then start laying sand, gravel and pavers to complete the path.