Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day 50ish: Real progress!

Lots of activity for the past week. Nothing Monday, but first thing Tuesday guys arrive to put the insulation into the walls and ceiling prior to the plastering. They have an amazing technique of impaling the batts with a pronged stick and poking them up into the ceiling - no ladders (see below) rather like pitchforking hay.
 Electricians are also due Tuesday, but are prevented by illness.
On Wednesday, we spend a happy morning with them working out where all the lighting tracks will go. In the middle of it, a bloke arrives with a truckload of plaster board, expecting to meet the plasterers. Who aren't there. So Peter and I learn the techniques for getting 6m lengths of plaster board off a flat bed truck and into a house without damage. We leave them next door, as the electricians are busy in our place - so handy having a two site project.
Plasterers Mick, Drew and Dallas arrive Thursday, work solidly for four days and have finished all the plaster board work by Tuesday (yesterday). Chris the carpenter comes back on the intervening Saturday to finish the cladding under the eaves.
Today (Wednesday again) the Zeev kitchen man David comes and with the room starting to look finished, can finally come to grips with how it's all going to work. Now we just have to source the sink and range hood, and consult with the plumber about relocating water and gas pipes. The shelves my Dad lovingly constructed over 30 years ago are going back on the wall, although one set will require a minor adjustment to fit in again. Chris makes another brief appearance to do a bit more work on the exterior.
Next steps include hard plaster on the back wall, filling in spaces in the floor, and fitting the skylights which will be a major excitement as we will finally know how much difference they will make to the light in the room.
Latest pictures:
Forking up another batt

Post-plastering: looking back toward the kitchen

From the doorway looking out - note the sexy new roof line.

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