Thursday 10 October 2013

Bluestone cometh, furniture goeth

Vacuum the garage. Set up some stands to keep things off the ground. Move the two largest paintings and put them on the stands. Move all the other paintings and some ornaments into Peter's study, putting them on top of his bookcase or double-hanging above other pictures - room now looks like a gallery.
Remove drawers and shelves from cocktail cabinet, move cabinet to garage, replace drawers and shelves.
Feel need for strong coffee and lunch, even though it is only 11:30. Go and have same, take a break, hang out washing.
Move dining table to garage (heavy and awkward). Need more coffee.
Move dining chairs into middle room, ready to be taken away for re-upholstery.
Pack two more cartons of stuff on kitchen shelves, plus a third carton of things to go to the op shop. Decide that life is too short to own any metal objects that require cleaning. Add more things to op shop carton.
Take loose covers off sofa, find $10 in small change. Vacuum sofa removing 40 year old fluff and displacing some spiders.
Lovely man from Bluestone Furniture and Upholstery cometh (thanks Cyndi, for the recommendation). Dave takes dining chairs, advises on sofa. Turns out he once worked for my uncle, who made said sofa.
Start emptying out sewing cupboard, which will become temporary kitchen cupboard/pantry for the next 6 months. More stuff for op shop (the patchwork squares that were going to become a throw for my late mother's room at Napier Street Hostel - I figure that if I haven't done anything with them in the 5 years since she died, I'm probably not going to any time soon).
Remove clarinet, music, etc from music room to my study, as music room is going to become living/dining/kitchen (with piano - you never know when you might need one).
Need a break, go off to play clarinet (very soothing).

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