Wednesday 16 October 2013

Day 3: the wall comes down

Peter having a catnap
This reno business is playing hell with my circadian rhythms. Builders arrive about 7am, so we're awake shortly after and feel that we should be up and about in case they want something. We're trying to shift our patterns to showering in the evening, and being earlier to bed and to rise, but it isn't working. The first night I went to bed early I woke again at midnight and spent the next hour or so tossing and turning (normally I'm awake and doing useful things about that time). Still trying to get to bed a bit earlier, but not succeeding very well and the net effect so far is just less sleep, and we're wandering around as though jet-lagged, dozing off if we sit down for a bit, and feeling unwontedly cold and hungry.
Wall mostly gone
Today most of the wall came down. The guys enjoyed the wrecking, but were pretty tired by the end of a day alternating between wielding a sledgehammer and picking up bricks to put in the skip.
Not too much dust came into the house, but we were pleased to escape to friends for dinner.

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