Sunday 16 March 2014

Waiting for windows

Not much activity so far in March. The builders were on site for about a day and a half in the first week, when they removed all the old iron, insulation and so forth that had come off the roof, and finished off a few other bits and pieces around the new roof.
We took advantage of the skip they brought to get rid of lots of scoria that we have dug out of the light well to make room for a rainwater tank. We uncovered some rather bizarrely arranged water pipes which may have to be relocated before the tank is installed - we're waiting for a plumber to come and provide an opinion. We also found an old earth stake at least a metre long which took us ages to dig out. Somewhere in the process of digging and shifting the scoria Peter did his back, and I pulled the muscle that I damaged last year when I fell out of the bed in the roof of the camper (but that's another story). But we've uncrocked since and are now walking normally again.
This week should be full of action. We've ordered the water tank, which may arrive as early as Monday. Windows are due to arrive Tuesday, and will presumably be fitted as soon as they arrive.  Skylights may also arrive this week. Once the windows are in we will really be able to feel we have a house again, and possibly even lock up the back part, and open up the door in between us and the building site.
And that means it is time to get back to finalising the design of the kitchen (some minor changes to be made to the old layout to adjust for walls being in slightly different places) and putting in our order for cabinets, a new sink and rangehood. We have bought a Weber barbecue which has vastly extended the range of meals I can prepare, but I am looking forward to the day I can stop cooking in a cupboard.
Watch for the next update, with photos.

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